How to retrieve your Windows password
Posted by Matt Czajka, Last modified by Matt Czajka on 16 March 2017 02:05 PM

In order to get your Windows password for instances created in AURO, you will need an SSH key setup. In this environment, the windows administrator password is tied to your SSH key. Your login user will be "Admin".


First, create a Windows instance, and ensure a key pair is added in the "Access and Security" tab when creating the instance. Note: You will need your private key ([keyname].pem or id_rsa) locally to retrieve your password in the next step.


Next, the instance will start spawning. Once complete, on the right hand side is a dropdown.  This dropdown includes the option to "Retrieve Password"


**PLEASE NOTE** With Windows instances running on AURO it may take some time for the initial setup to complete, this means the retrieve password option might not be available right away.  Try waiting a few minutes to retrieve the password.


Now you need to click on "Choose File" and choose your private key, or copy and paste it into the field below.  Then click on "Retrieve Password".  The decryption will complete and the password will show below.  You can now login to the instance with the username "Admin" and the password provided.

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