Knowledgebase: Technical
Installation of Ubuntu Snappy on AURO
Posted by Matt Czajka on 08 April 2016 01:35 PM

Ubuntu has just released a very lightweight application deployment system akin to CoreOS called "Ubuntu Core Snappy", which is currently in Alpha. This is a very bare bones instance of Ubuntu running frameworks and applications in a separate and modular environment. This also allows for very secure application deployment with the ability to rollback at anytime after upgrades.

You can run Ubuntu core Snappy on AURO by following these steps:

1. Create instance of Ubuntu Core Snappy within AURO
Upload your own Ubuntu Snappy image, found here: ( using Glance and CLI, or uploading via the Create Image option in your AURO control panel.

2. Login to your Ubuntu Snappy Instance
-Make sure you have SSH port 22 enabled on your Security Group and associate the instance with a floating IP. You can login to the instance using the username: ubuntu and password: ubuntu.

3. From here you can setup a framework like docker and immediately deploy applications.
-Use "snappy --help" in the command line to see snappy commands. Ubuntu Core Snappy does not use apt-get, instead you install application using "snappy install <package>"
-For example, type in "snappy install owncloud" to install and deploy owncloud on your server. Once complete you should immediately be able to access and use an owncloud instance with your instances floating IP and your browser.
-There are a number of applications available to deploy using snappy. Feel free to search for more using "snappy search"!

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